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World Children's Day

Happy World Children's Day, the perfect day to hand the reigns to your students, to think about how much input they have in what they are learning, and to make it a point to value their voice and provide opportunities for them to use it. 

As I was scrolling through Twitter this morning I felt inspired and hopeful because children are finding their voice and using it in powerful ways to help humanity and the planet. Here are just some of the incredible resources and examples of student empowerment that I hope will inspire your classroom practice and encourage every day to be World Children's Day!

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Here's The Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World from the UN that provides a starting point for action.

Here are some teacher resources for celebrating World Children's Day in your classroom. Here are some more from The World's Largest Lesson

To keep the momentum going, take the pledge to #TeachSDGs all year and connect with a supportive network of educators. 

UNICEF Kid Power is another way kids can get involved just by tracking the steps they take each day.  

Read all about how one teacher, Jodie Dienhammer uses the Sustainable Development Goals as a way to help her students take action in their community and the world in her recent Edutopia Article

Today, kids are taking over the UN. Follow #kidstakeover on Twitter to see what happens.

What if World Children's Day was every day in your classroom? How would that change the learning? How would you have to change as an educator? 

Shake things up, push some boundaries, and tell us how it went in the comments below!